Thursday, March 11, 2010

Desmarais hired Sarko - Hutu killed Tutsi

Synopsis: Belief Paul Desmarais Sr. hired Nicholas Sarkozy ('Sarko') to launder money through Francophonie re-insurance
groups paying Hutus to kill Tutsis during Rwanda Genocide.
Open e-mail sent August 17, 2007 to: 
Representative Duncan Hunter, 52nd District of California 

Captain Field McConnell, Augustus Dunning and David Hawkins
Forensic Economists at Hawks' CAFE
Copies to file:
Civil Case 3:07-cv-24  "McConnell v. Boeing and ALPA"
Civil Case 3:07-cv-49  "Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians" 
Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota
655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 58102
Copies for reference:
US Vice-President, Richard Cheney, vice_president@...

Michael Badnarik, Host 'Lighting the Fires of Liberty', We The People Radio Network, 
Kristine Marcy and Bruce McConnell contactus@...
U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, Department of Justice AskDOJ@... 

Dear Representative Hunter

Re: Desmarais hired Sarko - Hutu killed Tutsi 
Hawks CAFE belives Paul Desmarais Sr. hired Nicholas Sarkozy ('Sarko') to launder money through Francophonie private equity and re-insurance groups which paid Hutus to kill nearly 1 million Tutsis and moderate Hutu allies during the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.
"Mr. Nicholas Sarkozy, as Budget Minister (1992-95) .. "aware" of the Genocide financing scheme managed by President Mitterrand and a small clique of Military and political advisers. "Money from the budget was used to cover a hole in the state reinsurance company but the Minister (Sarkozy) kept quiet about these transactions" ..
Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR) company announced a loss of 1 billion French Francs on August 29, 1994 .. disappeared between January and August 1994. 
Mr. Sarkozy in charge of the French coffers ... 
Sarkozy apparently said in June 1994 that turquoise operation was "purely humanitarian" contrary to available evidence of massacres committed against Tutsi civilians in the French controlled zone of western Rwanda. The witness today also said he had documents indicating the Interim government had made an "advance payment" to notorious French Captain Paul Barril of $2 million in April 1994 for weapons through Banque Internationale de Genève."
"Entre Desmarais et Sarkozy c'est la « Total » ! par Pierre Dubuc ... « C'est ainsi qu'un petit groupe de sept personnes a emboîté le pas au président : Paul Desmarais et sa femme, son fils et sa femme, moi-même, M. Mulroney et Mme Mulroney. Nous avons parcouru un long couloir au palais de l'Élysée .. Mitterrand a ouvert la porte .. on est entré dans le bureau où Napoléon avait abdiqué après la défaite de Waterloo .. Après cela, que reste-t-il à Sarkozy pour épater son «grand ami» Paul Desmarais et le remercier de l'avoir reçu à plusieurs reprises à son domaine de Sagard dans Charlevoix? .. Sarkozy saura bien trouver dans les trésors de l'Élysée comment éblouir la famille Desmarais. D'autant qu'au soir de la victoire de Nicolas Sarkozy, au restaurant Le Fouquet où s'est retrouvé le gratin de la classe dirigeante française, les seuls non-français présents étaient Paul Desmarais et Albert Frère. À court terme, de façon plus prosaïque, les moyens de combler les propriétaires de Power Corporation ne manqueront pas. Par l'intermédiaires du Groupe Bruxelles-Lambert, la famille Desmarais et leur compère belge Albert Frère sont les plus importants actionnaires de Total - la cinquième pétrolière au monde - du groupe Suez, de la cimenterie Lafarge et de Imerys, un leader dans les matériaux de construction. M. Sarkozy pourrait faciliter la fusion, déjà annoncée, du Groupe Suez avec la société d'état Gaz de France, le plus important distributeur de gaz naturel en Europe. Au cas où cette transaction ne pourrait voir le jour, les conseillers économiques de Sarkozy ont évoqué l'idée d'une fusion entre Gaz de France et Total. Une autre idée qui circule .. serait de fusionner Total avec Areva, la société d'état nucléaire française. Les pétrolières s'intéressent de plus en plus au nucléaire et Areva a déjà des réacteurs nucléaires en opération en Ontario. L'aut'courriél, 18 mai 2007" 
Hawks CAFE wants candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential election campaign to debate real issues, such as whether to bring Desmarais' associates, including Mr. Sarkozy, to justice in respect of their alleged roles in the Rwanda Genocide, and whether America should withdraw from a manifestly corrupt and dysfunctional United Nations.
Please advise us on how we can bring such issues into the candidates' debates.
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, Tel: 218 329 2993
28 year airline and 22 year military pilot,
23,000 hours of safety 
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 hawks-cafe@...
Notes: "Desmarais hired Sarko - Hutu killed Tutsi "
A Hidden Hand At Work, Orchestrating It All" ? Excerpts from "Innocent Blood, Rome's Genocide of the 1990s" (Anon, this paper can be e-mailed as an attachment on request to signatories below), "Kofi Annan ordered Dallaire to give the information collected from "Jean Pierre" directly and immediately to President Habyarimana, thus totally compromising the tiny UN force by giving all its intelligence to the enemy-the genocidists. This whole genocide was rigged from the beginning from the top down. When Dallaire sought to warn Belgium, the US and France about the plotting of the genocidaires, Dallaire was convinced that the governments of Belgium, the US and France already knew the crucial information he had acquired from the informant. At virtually every turn, the effort to stop the genocide was blocked by the UN and the international community. "A Hidden Hand At Work, Orchestrating It All" "The Shrouded Entity That Seemed to be Running the Show" Lt. General Dallaire writes, "I couldn't get over the feeling that there was a hidden hand at work, orchestrating it all..." . . . the Rwandan ambassador to the UN, Jean-Damascene Bizimana, had had a seat on the Security Council and was not only privy to the inner workings of the mission but to the Security Council's attitude toward the mission and its many woes. All this information was obviously being fed back to the shrouded entity that seemed to be running the show small team of intelligence officers... were risking their lives for crumbs of information while the extremists had a direct pipeline to the kind of strategic intelligence that allowed them to shadow my every move." -Dallaire, 194, 195."
"Perhaps the blackest blight on the record of UN peacekeeping operations in Africa is the 1994 massacre in Rwanda, in which an estimated one million of the minority Tutsi tribesmen were brutally murdered by their rivals, the majority Hutu tribe. A powerful movie, Hotel Rwanda (MGM, 2004), graphically chronicles the many cold-blooded atrocities that were committed by the rampaging Hutus as the Belgian and UN troops stood by powerless to intervene. But to understand this act of wanton genocide properly, a little background is needed. In 1990, Boutros Boutros-Ghali was Egypt's minister of foreign affairs. Part of his job was to sell weapons, and in that capacity he approved an initial $5.8 million arms deal with Rwanda. That sale opened the door to others, so that between 1990 and 1992, Cairo shipped $26 million worth of ammunition, grenades, rocket launchers, and mortar bombs to Rwanda. It was those arms that the Hutus later used to crush the Tutsis. When the wholesale slaughter began in 1994, Boutros-Ghali had moved up in the world—he was now the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The head of the UN's peacekeeping operations at that time was none other than Kofi Annan. The UN Force Commander in Rwanda, General Romeo Dallaire, sent an urgent fax to Annan requesting permission to defend the helpless Tutsi refugees who were flooding into UN compounds seeking safety and protection. Annan's fax back to Dallaire ordered him to defend only the UN's image of impartiality and forbade him to protect the desperate Tutsis. Boutros-Ghali refused to intervene. Later the UN troops were withdrawn completely from the scene of the carnage, leaving behind up to 800,000 hapless Tutsis, many of them bludgeoned to death with clubs or hacked into pieces with machetes by the bloodthirsty rampaging Hutus. The world watched for weeks as the bloodbath continued unchecked."
"Paul Desmarais is the son of a lawyer, Jean-Noel Desmarais, and Lébéa Laforest. He grew up in a prosperous family. He studied at the University of Ottawa where he obtained a B.A. in Commerce. When he finished university, he returned to Sudbury where, in 1951, he took control of a bus company. In 1959, he created the Transportation Management Corporation Limited; though this, he acquired Provincial Transport Ltd in 1960, and then obtained effective control of Gelco Entreprises Ltd in 1962. The following year, he bought the Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada. Two years later, it was the turn of the Corporations des valeurs trans-Canada, his first conglomerate. In 1967, Trans-Canada created Les Journaux Trans-Canada Ltée, a press company that acquired the great Montreal daily, La Presse. In 1968, Mr. Desmarais took control of the Power Corporation of Canada. Today, the Power Corporation consists of Gesca Ltée, which publishes La Presse and other dailies and weeklies, and Power Financial Corporation, which owns the Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Assurance Company, Investors Group Inc. and Pargesa Holding S.A., an international holding company headquartered in Geneva. Paul Desmarais is Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Power Corporation of Canada. He is also Chairman of the Board and Deputy Director of Pargesa Holding S.A. (Switzerland). He is a director of the following companies: CLT-UFA (Luxembourg), the Power Financial Corporation, Power Broadcasting Inc.; Electrafina S.A. (Belgium), the London Assurance Group Inc., Group Investors Inc., London Life Assurance Company, Pargesa Holding S.A. (Switzerland), the Power Corporation of Canada, La Presse Ltée, the Telegraph Group Limited (England) and Total Pina (France). He is also a member of the international advisory committee of the Barrick Gold Corporation and Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., and a member of the Supervisory Council of AXA [where Desmarais' colleagues are under investigation for 1994 'dead-peasant' life insurance frauds] and the Compagnie Financière de Paribas (France)." Mr. Desmarais is honorary president of the Canada-China Business Council. He is a member of the Privy Council, a Companion of the Order of Canada, an Officer of the Ordre national du Québec and an Officer of the Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur and Commander of the Ordre de Léopold II. [as is Nicholas Sarkozy]"

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